July 23, 2022

When you’re about to start remote learning, it’s important to put your best foot forward. That means doing some prep work before you log on, like making adaptations if your computer doesn’t support Zoom virtual background requirements and getting your dirty clothes into the hamper where they belong. Here are some best practices if your high school classes take place online.

Test Your Audio and Speakers

The computer settings you use for browsing or gaming might not be appropriate for school sessions, so do a test run before class starts. Have a friend video chat with you to confirm that your outgoing audio is clear and that your speakers are at an appropriate volume. Although it’s best if your home is quiet during your online classes, try to anticipate potential background noise like a running vacuum, washing machine, or television. That way you can quickly adjust your audio to compensate for unexpected sounds.

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You may not have understood why your parents nagged you to tidy up your room when you were the only one who ever entered it, but now that you’re inviting your teacher and classmates into your space during virtual learning sessions it matters how your bedroom looks. Expect scrupulous classmates to scour every square inch around you looking for something they can tease you about!

Pick up dirty clothes, make your bed, and keep your closet doors closed. Put dirty dishes in the kitchen where they belong and declutter your desk and other furniture. Open your blinds for natural light so the room doesn’t look dank. If you have trouble seeing what’s amiss because you’re used to being untidy, create a cleanup checklist to follow each day so you don’t overlook anything.

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Professional Background

Whether your bedroom isn’t as tidy as it should be or you simply want to keep your personal space private, using a virtual backdrop for your on-camera learning puts you in control of what other meeting participants see. Spend some time ahead of your first class testing out background options.

Confirm which meeting platform you’ll be using so you’ll know if you need to set up a Google Meet virtual background or one that works with a different platform. When it comes to selecting your backdrop’s style, go with something neutral that isn’t distracting. Keep detail to a minimum, as too much going on behind you creates unpleasant visual noise. Anything in poor taste should be avoided, and play it safe by checking if your school has any specific regulations regarding what type of background to use.

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From testing out your audio to tidying your space to setting up a professional backdrop, paying attention to details ahead of your first remote high school class prepares you to focus and get right down to learning. Take a few minutes to hop online and find the best Microsoft Teams virtual background well ahead of your first lesson. That way you’ll be sure to make a great impression and cut out distractions during your internet school sessions.

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